Hey There! I'm


A picture of me in grayscale.


If you haven't read it from the typewriter-y thing up there, my name's Miguel Quiambao!. So, now's the part where I tell you all about me. I won't talk about my school or the things I'm good at here, I'll show you all that later.

Pandesal with hand for scale...
Pandesal with hand for scale!

Right now, I'd like you to know all about me when I'm not on the clock. First thing you gotta know is that I love to bake! If it's our first time to meet and you ask me to make you a double chocolate chip cookie or a pain au chocolait, you better get ready to eat the next day. Granted I'm gonna fail at making the second one, but hey at least i tried.

Even if I failed, to make the perfect croissant or *insert generic french bread here*, the important thing is that I would've learned something new, whether it's how long I could've let the bread rest, how I could've used some new kneading technique, or how I could've changed up the ingredients. In the end, I see all these little failures as one step closer to making the perfect french bread, and I never give up (unless I run out of ingredients).

I put up a shelf all by myself lol...
I put up a shelf all by myself lol

I also love to do DIY...just like making fancy bread, I pretty much suck at it. Growing up, I've never had a knack for arts and craft but it's always fascinated me. Just the act of making something with your own two hands makes me excited! I mean think about it, you spend hours and hours trying to make something for yourself or someone else, and at the end of the day, you manage to make it.

That's why I never stop trying to learn something new. Whether it's taking care of plants, installing a bidet, or putting up shelves; hardwork (with a lil bit of smart work) will always give you that sigh of relief, happiness, and exhilaration when you finally see your goal.

I'm a RAINBOW of a person and other stuff, but if I keep talking about myself all day, y'all would never hear the end of it! You can go ahead and scroll down to get to the official stuff!

De La Salle University logo

De La Salle University

Currently taking a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with specialization in Software Technology and Intelligent Systems under the College of Computer Studies.

User Experience Society - De La Salle Chapter logo
VP for UX Education 2018 - 2019

Responsible for formulating trainings, seminars, lectures, and workhops that the members in the organization needed or requested.

AVP for UX Engineering 2017 - 2018

Responsible for leading teams and developing milestones and plans for design/development projects by external companies or organizations that approach us. Personally took part in the development of the VCon 2017 website by Channel V.

Peer Tutor's Society logo
Peer Tutor 2016 - Present

Responsible for tutoring fellow students various subjects ranging from basic/advanced C programming to Node.JS Web Development to Machine learning.

La Salle Computer Society logo
AVP for Research and Development 2017 - 2018

Responsible for designing and developing websites or desktop software for internal or external organizations. Personally lead the design of the DLSU LSCS and DLSU MaFIA organization websites.

Don Bosco Technical College logo

Don Bosco Technical College

Graduated with a High School diploma and certification stating that I completed the Information Technology track provided by the High School. Additionally came in first place in the first inter-year Technolympics in the Information Technology category where I created a desktop application that tracks and automates library processes.

DBTC High School student council logo
Asst. Secretary for Multimeda 2013 - 2015

Responsible for desiging publicities, creating videos, and leading other members of the student body in similar tasks.

May 2021
DevStart: A Hackathon for Everyone | OpenSource ADMU

Mentored teams in the hackathon on Web development (HTML, JS, and CSS) and UX principles.

May 2021
MVC Workshop | La Salle Computer Society

Workshopped on the pros, cons, and implementation of the MVC Design Pattern using Java and the JavaFX library.

December 2020
DLSU HackerCup | La Salle Computer Society

Competed and won second place in this hackathon that focused on giving the pandemic's most affected workforce an avenue for their services.

November 2020
Design Thinking Workshop | Green Giant FM

Lectured and workshopped on the design the entire design thinking process for the internal committee of the Green Giant FM radio organization in La Salle.

November 2020
Design Thinking Workshop | La Salle Computer Society

Performed a lecture and workshop on the design thinking process with a co-lecturer, focused on the Prototyping and Testing stages of the process.

Introduction to Figma | La Salle Computer Society

Performed a workshop on how to perform the prototyping step in the Design Thinking Process, the different strategies in prototype making, and how to use Figma.

Novemeber 2019

Won the Most Innovative Tech Solution in a hackathon hosted for over 500 students nationwide. Personally designed the prototype for the application. The application aimed to leverage the advocatorial attitude of the Gen Z to seamlessly donate and earn micro-insurance everytime the load up their phones.

Novemeber 2019
GUI101: JavaFX | La Salle Computer Society

Hosted a workshop that taught the basics of design and how to implement these designs into desktop applications using Java and the JavaFX library.

July 2019
Web Development through Bootstrap | La Salle Computer Society

Lectured on Web Development which included the basics of HTML, CSS, and JS as well as the pros and pitfalls of the use of UI libraries like Bootstrap.

Figma101 | User Experience Society

Performed a workshop on how to perform the prototyping step in the Design Thinking Process using Figma

Technolympics | Don Bosco Technical College

Competed and won first place in software development competition for 1st to 4th year students in highschool. Created a library management system.


HERO is a mobile application prototype that won the MOST INNOVATIVE TECH SOLUTION in the first Lifehackers Hackathon hosted by AIA Philamlife.

My team and I developed a business plan that leveraged the attitude of Gen Z'ers towards advocacy by seamlessly pairing mobile loads to a system that can little by little allow them to donate to organizations of their choice as well as to choose to dedicate a tiny percentage of their load towards a micro-insurance deal with Philamlife.

You can read more on the competition through the Philamlife article here...

You can also see what its interaction will look like here...


MANANG is another mobile application prototype that won my and my friend a position as one of the top three winners in a hackathon.

The theme of the hackathon was to create an application that aimed to improve the lives of people during the quarantine, With that, we developed a plan that aimed to provide an avenue for one of the pandemic's most affected social group. The business plan for this application also focused on creating opportunities for the "Manangs" to expand their skills and hopefully allow them to start their own businesses that can survive during and even after the pandemic.

You can also see what its interaction will look like here...


LMS Web app screenshot

This project was created at the request of a thesis group where they needed to test the utility of different forms of Learning Management Systems in terms of as an avenue for exams and quizzes

After the initial group's use of the webapp, I also used this project as an app-for-rent where multiple other people have used this application for both similar and dufferent uses than the first group.

*The web application is currently in use by another group, and as a means to protect the group's individual identities, I've chosen to not share the link for the web app in the meantime.

LSCS Website

A screenshot of the paper's abstract

The LSCS Website is the official website for the La Salle Computer Society, the primary orgainzation for the College of Computer Studies in in De La Salle University.

I was primarily responsible for the design, layout, and interactions for the website as well as the blogging functionality that enables the organization members to easily create blogs and articles through the website.

You can view the website over here here...

*The website is currently being maintained by the next batch of Research and Development members of the LSCS Organization.

Emotion Recognition

A screenshot of the paper's abstract

This project discusses the topic of emotion recognition through audio speech modality by expounding on the definition, giving related literature, and performing experiments on the various methods of emotion recognition.

We concluded that the most accurate model for detecting emotion in audio speech is a Multi-Layered Perceptron fed with MFCC and Pitch features which contrasted most contemporary works which we believe is due to the presence of prosodic/suprasegmental phonology features in the previous studies. I personally created the feature extraction program that extracted the MFCC, Zero Cross Rating, Energy, Pitch, and other Spectral data along with their high-level descriptors by extracting the audio signal from the dataset and then normalizing using the L2-norm algorithm. I was also responsible for creating the real time application that attempted to determine a users emotion while they were speaking.

You can read the paper over here...

You can also view the python program I created to extract the features and to detect emotion here...

In case you need to access the features go over here...


A screenshot of the paper's abstract

ALEX is a project that was created for my thesis paper that focuses on providing a mental health support robot for people with Major Depressive Disorders (MDD)

We used speech emotion recognition techniques to extract PHQ8 Questions to determine a person's depression level. I was tasked to implement the interface between the mental health support robot (which contained proprietary technology by NEC) and an external computer that processed the data collected by the robot. I completed this by creating a C++ Server hosted by the robot where it receives commands by combining bytes received by from the Python client program I created, thus allowing a more flexible approach to controlling the robot.

*This project is still in it's experimentation phase, I will add a link to the paper after the experimentation has concluded and the results have been analyzed.


Looks like that's all I have to show you!

Anyway, here're some links that might be useful...

My Resume Linkedin Profile My Email
Oh here's some pics of/with/about me you might want to see...
Me with my team presented with the prize for Most Innovative Tech Solution
A poster on the Figma101 workshop.
1st Executive's meeting for UX Society - DLSU Chapter
1st UXSoc general assembly with members
Me talking with attendees about prototyping
2nd Executive's meeting for UX Society - DLSU Chapter
Introduction to Figma picture 1
Introduction to Figma picture 2
Introduction to Figma picture 3
Introduction to Figma picture 4
Introduction to Figma picture 5
Me performing some ideation task
It's me!
Certificate for performing Design Thinking Workshop for GGFM
Certificate for performing Design Thinking Workshop for LSCS
Certificate for mentoring in the DevStart Hackathon
Certificate for performing MVC Workshop for LSCS
Certificate for winning DBTC Technolympics
Me speaking in the GUI101 Workshop
A poster of me being quoted in the Design Thinking Workshop for LSCS